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Get rewards, free stuff, and exclusive deals when you join our loyalty program.
Follow these instructions to place an order at dev.emeraldfields.com.
All products we carry in stores are available to order online except shake and some accessories.
After you place your order online, you will receive a confirmation email. When you arrive at our dispensary, please have your information and ID ready.
No, the order must be picked up by the individual who placed the order.
You will pay when you pick up your order at your chosen dispensary. You can pay as usual with cash or a debit card with a PIN number. All of our locations also have in-store ATMs available for withdrawals.
Yes, orders can be placed online after stores are closed and picked up the following day during normal business hours.
Your order total with estimated taxes is calculated during checkout. Most discounts, coupons, coupon codes and Gratify Rewards credits are applied online, but some discounts, coupons, and Gratify Rewards credits will be applied when you pick up your order.
Yes, when picking up your order you can ask your budtender to add more products to your order. Be aware that this can take additional time to fulfill the order.
Currently, we accept debit cards with a PIN number. We are unable to accept credit cards, but all locations have ATM’s available in the store.
We offer four different shelves of high-quality cannabis; Connoisseur, Elite, Premier and Select.
Of course! Every person in our community, rec or med, can earn points on every purchase at Emerald Fields. Review our Program Terms and Conditions.
Yes! You may place your order online and apply your points at the checkout in store. Remember to show your rewards wallet to your budtender.
While we always have standing discounts for veterans, medical badge holders and seniors, as well as happy hours and monthly specials, the only way you can earn, track, and redeem points for free items is by joining our loyalty program. It’s 100% free to sign up. And the best part: you’ll begin racking up reward points immediately. Plus, you can rest assured that we never share your personal information with anyone, ever.